GG’s Story

By the time I left the school my self-confidence and self-esteem were extremely low and I had mental health problems.

I have learning difficulties and although I attended a special school from 11 there was a lot of bullying - from pupils and teachers! - and I only got a very low-grade art GCSE. By the time I left the school my self-confidence and self-esteem were extremely low and I had mental health problems.

I've always like art and taking photographs on my phone but when I did a photography course for learning disabled people the tutor wouldn't even let us press the button on the camera!

I was nervous and frightened about taking part in the Positive View programme because I'd had so many experiences where people weren't kind to me and made me feel useless.

But from the very first week on the barge, I felt confident and happy, all thanks to Lucia and Hannah (Positive View training team) who made me feel so welcome and valued: Wednesday became the highlight of my week. 

It wasn't just the friendly environment that made me feel good but also the fact that I learnt a lot about photography, when learning is usually so hard for me. When I got home to my mum each week, I couldn't stop talking about what I'd done and what I'd learnt.  I have never felt so confident and positive about my life. Although the course has finished now, I still go out every Wednesday to find a good place to take photographs which I can put into my portfolio - and potentially entry into college.

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