I believe photography has helped me to have a better understanding and view on my life
Help regenerate vulnerable young lives by supporting our ‘Youth Empowerment Programme’
Positive View’s highly effective ‘Youth Empowerment Programme’ uses photography and film, plus 1 to 1 mentoring, to successfully lead these extremely vulnerable young adults into further education, training and employment – and out of a vicious circle of family disintegration, gang violence, crime, drugs and mental health issues.
FREE 10-week Youth Empowerment Programme benefitting 16-25 year olds
We are NOW taking bookings from youth organisations and young people directly.
Please click the SIGN UP box below to make your booking and reservation.
For more information, please email [email protected]
A Reawakening Through Young Photographers’ Eyes
Young adults aged 16-25 are learning skills from top photographers and filmmakers as they document the transformation of Dover's historic Maison Dieu as part of the 'Reawakening the Maison Dieu' Heritage Lottery project.
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